KOA Resident claims to be beat up by Homeless person Now Homeless camp was ransacked

KOA Resident claims to be beat up by Homeless person Now Homeless camp was ransacked

Well since there is so much going on right now we want to share what we are going to be calling STREET TALK this is whats happening on the streets….


Thought we would share Johns story will be posting the voicemails we received as well this will put things together for sure.




Clarksville, Indiana

Roughly last week Exit 0 received a call from a couple back at the camp site were the homeless reside. The call was roughly 10 pm and it was about a Drunk man claiming that the Homeless stole his dog from KOA Camp. This individual named John was throwing the Rocks from the top of the hill of the tracks at the tents and hitting the tents while screaming and making threats to the homeless. In this case he threaten to shoot them and was throwing rocks  when one of the guys went into protection mode not knowing if he has a weapon on him and did take a miniature baseball bat to him and he had 2 bumps on his head. Also keep in mind rail road rocks start at about golf ball size to baseball size. So as the escalation continued the guy who is a resident of the KOA campground went home and this is when the dog was found at his home. Keep in mind the homeless where offering to help locate but did not know what was going on.

Exit 0 received a Text message from the street dept stating there was a complaint about someone being beat up and that the guy reported a Meth lab and over 50 tents back there. at this point the chief of Police called me asking whats up we explained and took his advice. then On Sat this individual decides to go into Hardees and target the homeless once again threatening the homeless this time stating he will BLOW UP TENT CITY with a grenade. Sunday comes around and here is John at Exit 0 claiming to be a christian and wanting to apologize for his drunken state and what happened the night before and wanted to know why the individual  did what he did. Well as I explained to him sir you were drinking the homeless were sleeping and here you are screaming and throwing rocks at the tents. needless to say the individual who stepped in , stepped in to protect a female who is homeless and you were threatening to shoot her and then you are running your mouth that you will take a grenade to tent city where he corrected me by saying it would be multiple grenades. (So at this point we have him threatening to blow something up and shoot someone up) at this point John shook hands with those and apologized for his stupid actions. Now same day not even 10 min later here comes his wife stating oh we need help with our heat we have issues. as a ministry and doing the right thing we proceeded and did what we do for all and gave them a couple blankets. Not even 1 hr later i received a call from the wife basically stating that her husbands tooth is chipped and its Exit 0’s responsibility to fix this or they will go after the individual for restitution and shut down Exit 0 then more threats on another call that night. Now tue comes around John is on camera telling the news that the homeless beat him up for no reason. and by the end of the meeting his wife Angela decides to speak at the forum and that she was speaking on behalf of the KOA campground as well. She publicly stated that SHE KNOWS WHATS IN THOSE TENTS…. this must mean that her and her husband go into the homeless camps to steal from them and this is who been targeting the homeless and stealing from them a resident of the KOA campground. Now to today we spoke to the PD and basically due to public land or even private land there is no law to protect the homeless to keep morons like this that we have on our community meaning come and go thru my stuff and enjoy yourself. in the meantime tonight that individual who defended himself was stopped by Clarksville PD and also several of the camps tonight have been ransacked. We have several brand new tents that we were putting up this weekend for them stolen one of the dogs back at the camp was beaten and cover in mud as well as various items missing.  Tomorrow is another day we need to file charges on this lunatic who lives at the KOA campground threatening to shoot the homeless and blow up there homes. All this cause he was drinking running his mouth and cant keep a job or track of his dog so now the homeless suffer…..  Welcome to the streets of Clarksville/Jeffersonville

We are seeking a Lawyer for some advice on this manner or your time would be better No charges at this time….. Will keep you all posted feel free to comment

6 thoughts on “KOA Resident claims to be beat up by Homeless person Now Homeless camp was ransacked

  1. I strongly believe the police department is not being entirely honest about the homeless persons right to safety and belongings. If people can have their things stolen just because it is on public property, then any one of us can be robbed walking down the street. Of course, that is not true and people who steal from anyone walking down the street (think purse snatchers and cell phone thieves) can be charged if caught and proven guilty. It is well-known cities, towns and those people representing them are most often keen to ignore issues pertaining to the homeless. No one wants their town to appear tainted.

  2. Terroristic threatening is a criminal offense. So are vandalism and public intoxication. And if he hit anyone with the rocks you can add in assault. Please press charges on this violent man.

  3. We have Currently Filed a report and now its in the Laws hands and the Truth is out for all to read we thank everyone who has helped us with this situation & now things should be over with per PD all info has been turned in. As to the Camps Will be setting up camera systems to catch those in the act. Also we checked on scrappy the dog and he is dong well large not on his face from were someone punched him or threw something at him the other night. Thanks again for the support

  4. sounds like the man at koa can’t handle his drinking. That has nothing to do with the KOA, just because they have a bad man staying there. doesnt mean the employees has anything to do with this situation. i have been goin into koa for 30 years and never have had a problem. now for john maxon and his wife, i have ran into the maxon inside koa at 7am on several occasions and they are drunk already. they do take people for there things, they go around gettin help from the state and they both are campable of working. they are just lazy in my eyes. They are not a spokes person for koa. they have cause several problems for the koa employees nd koa owners. the maxon need to move on down the road. all the maxon do is run their mouths every time i see them inside the koa. just because the maxon have caused trouble for there self, doesnt mean KOA has anything to do with the childish behaviors that they wanna cause. KOA is just a buisness trying to run a nice campground for there self, but its kinda hard when they got people like the maxon’s running the KOA name thru the mud. I dont think its fair that everyone looks at KOA differently, because of these two idiots.

  5. Bull Dog agreed this is not KOA but a resident who has lived at a Camp site for well over 2 years according to them.. But also she is running around telling people she speaks on behalf of KOA she did this in a public forum in front of City council members, Police dept and several organizational in Clarksville New Albany & Jeffersonville & many were like shes representing KOA interesting and she made a complete fool of herself. But boy she new the system for sure. But also if KOA allows this type of behavior to go on in there camp is it safe? Public intoxication & Theft on property and they still staying there Wow… But we are working with the law on all of this. & also just last night and the night before we have someone shooting what sounds like a shotgun towards the camps now after several threats….

  6. They have been evicited from koa as of this weds. koa has told her to keep the buisness name out of her mouth. they brought all the drama on there self. KOA tries to help everyone nd anyone they are two lovely ladies that own the store. the maxon’s have used them and abused them as well. they just need to leave everyone alone and move on down the road some where else and cause trouble elsewhere.

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